Postpartum preparation and in-home doula support for Canberran families.

I’m a certified Birth & Postpartum Doula based in Canberra.

I’m deeply passionate about supporting & empowering families with newborns.

The first weeks following birth are a crucial time for rest, healing and bonding with your baby.

I’m here to ensure you feel nurtured, nourished and held during this special time.

Hi, I’m Georgie.


  • Hannah & Josh

    Georgie will change your life! My husband and I welcomed our beautiful daughter into the world in early January 2024 and our pregnancy and birth was anything but straight forward. Georgie was with us from early pregnancy until 6 weeks after birth and having her support, knowledge, patience and understanding changed our birth experience and honestly our lives in general.

    I first met Georgie in mid 2023 and was instantly was drawn to her calm and warm presence. Georgie did multiple antenatal visits with us where we learnt about pregnancy, birth and post-partum. From making our birth wishlist to helping us pack our hospital bags and talking through birthing techniques and how to advocate for ourselves throughout pregnancy and birth.

    Georgie provided the most incredible support to both my husband and I after our daughter’s birth. Coming over with beautiful nourishing home cooked foods and treats for us and was open to helping us with what we needed in the first few weeks. This was from showing us how to sponge bath our baby to talking about our birth and providing invaluable resources for our mental health.

    Georgie didn’t just provide a service to our new little family, she empowered both my husband and I to have a positive birth experience and healing postpartum. I genuinely cannot recommend Georgie highly enough. We are honoured to now call Georgie our beautiful friend who we will remain in touch with and no doubt see her for our future babies!

  • Bree & Sam

    From the start Georgie had brilliant communication going above and beyond and checking in with us throughout the pregnancy. She also made my husband feel supported and apart of the whole process. This was one of the major reasons we decided to hire a doula as we felt there was little to no support or acknowledgement of the partner in the public health system.

    Georgie is a wonderful human inside and out. She is thoughtful and empathetic. She makes you feel like a true friend and completely comfortable in situations that are far from comfortable. Being a mum she also has been through this process herself and has invaluable information. Whenever there is something that Georgie might not know she is quick to find multiple resources to send us or increase her knowledge which is such a great trait to have.

    Georgie is a great cook and always comes with healthy and yummy treats. It’s suprising how much these can brighten your day!

    She truly made the experience so much better for both of us. There is no money that could replace what she gave us during this period.

    We have lots of parental support so didn’t need Georgie as much for things like cleaning, washing or minding our Bub while we rested but I know Georgie would just fit right in and help out where needed. Instead we used Georgie for her experience and wisdom as a doula and mum. As first time parents Georgie helped us during postpartum with breastfeeding, how to bath our Bub, debriefing our birth and mental health support, referrals and information on any questions we had, planning for travel overseas, nappy changes and just in general parenting hacks and tips.

    If you are thinking you might need extra support please invest in your postpartum with Georgie instead of buying more baby outfits or a fancy cot.

    Thank you again Georgie!

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